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Canara Robeco Corporate Bond Fund

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Corporate Bond Fund - An open ended debt scheme predominantly investing in AA+ and above rated corporate bonds. A relatively high interest rate risk and moderate credit risk.

NAV As on 25-Mar-2025

`21.26 0.00 (0.02 %)

CAGR Since Inception

7.01 %

Categories : Corporate Bond Fund-Debt Scheme

  • Risk
    Moderate Risk

    This product is suitable for investors who are seeking *

    Income / capital appreciation through a low credit risk strategy

    Investment in a portfolio constituted predominantly of AA+ and above rated corporate bonds


    * Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt above whether the product is suitable for them.

  • AUM(in Cr)
  • Age
    since 07-Feb-2014
  • Horizon
  • Goal
  • Benchmark and it's Risk-O-Meter
    CRISIL Corporate Debt A-II Index



    * Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt above whether the product is suitable for them.


Gain from
  • Annualized Returns
  • Absolute Returns
This Scheme

This Scheme

  • Different plans shall have different expense structure. In case of return calculated the IDCW(dividend) option, it is assumed that IDCW(dividend) declared under the schemes have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV
  • Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investment
  • Load is not considered for computation of returns
  • Period for which scheme’s performance has been provided is computed basis last day of the month-end preceding the date of advertisement. In case, the start/end date of the concerned period is a non-business day, the NAV of the previous date is considered for computation of returns
  • The data of the last working day has been considered for the calculation of performance
  • Wherever TRI data since inception for benchmarks is not available, benchmark performance is calculated using composite of CAGR and TRI values of the benchmark
  • The performance of the schemes is benchmarked to the Total Return variant of the Index

  • For lumpsum investments, if the investment period is less than 1 year then same return values are displayed for absolute & XIRR. For periods above 1 year, they are annualized. 1 Year is assumed as 365 days.
  • Returns for investments in dividend plans of schemes are calculated after assuming that the net dividend payouts post statutory taxes & levies, are re-invested back in the scheme.
  • Dividends declared from benchmark's constituents isn't taken into account when comparing with investment in scheme's dividend plans.
  • Performance is always compared against the latest benchmark of the scheme irrespective of the date of change of scheme's benchmark, if any.
  • Except when SIP tenure is since inception, for all tenures, the start day for SIP investments is considered as 1st of every month. There is no end date to SIPs for the purpose of graphs.
  • For the purpose of NAV date applicability, if the investment date happens to be a non-business day, next business day's NAV is applied. Investment on inception date can happen on a non-business day.
  • For lumpsum investments, if the investment period is less than 1 year then same return values are displayed for absolute & XIRR. For periods above 1 year, they are annualized. 1 Year is assumed as 365 days.
  • Returns for investments in dividend plans of schemes are calculated after assuming that the net dividend payouts post statutory taxes & levies, are re-invested back in the scheme.
  • Dividends declared from benchmark's constituents isn't taken into account when comparing with investment in scheme's dividend plans.
  • Performance is always compared against the latest benchmark of the scheme irrespective of the date of change of scheme's benchmark, if any.
  • Except when SIP tenure is since inception, for all tenures, the start day for SIP investments is considered as 1st of every month. There is no end date to SIPs for the purpose of graphs.
  • For the purpose of NAV date applicability, if the investment date happens to be a non-business day, next business day's NAV is applied. Investment on inception date can happen on a non-business day.

Historical Returns

Comparative performance of

  • Dividend History
  • As per SEBI


Recent dividend declarations
  • For lumpsum investments, if the investment period is less than 1 year then same return values are displayed for absolute & XIRR. For periods above 1 year, they are annualized. 1 Year is assumed as 365 days.
  • Returns for investments in dividend plans of schemes are calculated after assuming that the net dividend payouts post statutory taxes & levies, are re-invested back in the scheme.
  • Dividends declared from benchmark's constituents isn't taken into account when comparing with investment in scheme's dividend plans.
  • Performance is always compared against the latest benchmark of the scheme irrespective of the date of change of scheme's benchmark, if any.
  • Except when SIP tenure is since inception, for all tenures, the start day for SIP investments is considered as 1st of every month. There is no end date to SIPs for the purpose of graphs.
  • For the purpose of NAV date applicability, if the investment date happens to be a non-business day, next business day's NAV is applied. Investment on inception date can happen on a non-business day.
CAGR since Inception 
1 Year 
3 Year 
5 Year 
Current Value of 10,000 invested at inception ` ` `

Asset Allocation as on


Market Capitalization

Sector Allocation

Top 10 Holdings % of Total

Name Industry Classification % of Net Assets

Note – Scheme may or may not have any future position in the above Sectors(s) / Stock(s) / Issuer(s)

Credit Rating Profile

Instrument Break-up

Top 10 instruments by holding % of Total

Name % of Net Assets
7.70% Power Finance Corporation Ltd 8.52%
7.68% LIC Housing Finance Ltd 8.43%
8.23% Kotak Mahindra Prime Ltd 8.41%
7.63% Grasim industries Ltd 8.40%
7.59% Small Industries Development Bank Of India 8.35%
7.51% REC Ltd 8.35%
5.62% Export-Import Bank Of India 8.31%
8.45% Indian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd 4.32%
7.75% Titan Co Ltd 4.18%
7.96% HDB Financial Services Ltd 4.18%
364 DTB 0.79%
7.30% GOI 2053 8.54%
7.34% GOI 2064 4.28%
6.79% GOI 2034 4.20%
6.92% GOI 2039 4.19%

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