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Tax saving calculator

Its an amazing feeling to generate income, but what about the feeling when some amount gets deducted as tax? ELSS can help avoid some portion of the tax deduction. Find out how much you can save by investing in ELSS Schemes.


*ELSS schemes have the potential to generate wealth over long term. However, an investment of up to Rs. 1,50,000 will be considered for the purpose of calculation of taxes

Total Tax you can save by investing in ELSS

Invest In Tax Saver Fund
  • Tax payable - before investing in ELSS

Disclaimer: All the information/outcome of the illustrator is solely for the guidance purpose of intended recipients only. Above calculation is subject to current Tax laws. For personal tax implication investors are requested to consult their tax advisors before investing. After calculating or taking any decision based on the above information, you are advised to consult your financial advisor. The company shall not be held responsible for any error/ misrepresentation on the outcome of the calculator. The above calculation is based on the Income Tax slab rates for Financial Year 2019-20 (AY 2020-21) and is meant for Resident Individuals (below 60 years) only. The above calculation also takes into account the surcharge of 10% on the taxable Income between Rs. 50 lakhs to Rs. 1 crore, 15% of the taxable income between Rs. 1 crore to Rs. 2 crore, 25% of the taxable income between Rs. Rs. 2 crore to Rs. 5 crore and 37% of the taxable income above Rs. 5 crore. In addition, the above calculation also takes into account the cess of 4% on all tax bracket.

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